Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Formica Blues

After long, long last, I got myself connected - I now have cable internet at home. It was cheaper to get cable tv, too (although they got a hefty installation fee for that out of me, so was it really cheaper? in the long run, maybe...), which is weird to have after 4 years without cable. I watched the Daily Show and the Colbert Report last night, and it was like I was at someone else's house - not mine. It's nice to have, I guess...
I missed iTunes. Hard. The past 24 hrs has been spent (off and on) loading music onto it. iTunes reminded me how much i missed this. And this. And this. iTunes brings all your music to you - you don't have to remember that you have it. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to remember what music I have.
I'm reading a big ol' pile of books right now - too varied and numerous to name here, I think. 2 are for book clubs, and the rest for my own personal pleasure. I meant to overhaul my apartment before starting work on Friday, but that is probably not going to happen. I'm spending the week going to gym classes I want to attend, reading, taking bubble baths, loading up my iTunes...who has time to clean? I really should, though. And I still have time.
In the immortal words of Ellen DeGeneres: "Procrastinate NOW. Don't put it off until later."
Thanksgiving came, Thanksgiving went. Very quiet and pleasant, as far as Thanksgivings go. The though of putting over 20 people together in one house for a few hours who are not, when you think about it, there by choice, makes me a little nervous; family makes me nervous. But everything went smoothly, so I can't complain.
And speaking of having nothing to complain about, the weather has been perfect this week - I've been trying to spend some time in the sun. I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be our last bit of warm weather for a long, long time, so I'm going to enjoy it while I can. Even the south has to get cold sometime, although it sometimes feels like it never will.
My treatise on nothing is going to have to end sometime, and it might as well be now. Remember: let's be careful out there.


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