Wednesday, November 01, 2006

You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both...

If anyone needs me tonight, I'll be home, cracking out on The Facts of Life, Season 3. We all have our low-brow pop culture guilty pleasures (right? I mean, 5 million Diff'rent Strokes fans can't be wrong, can they?), and TFoL is definitely mine. It made me WANT to go to boarding school as a kid. I could talk here for a long, long time about TFoL and how much I love it, but I won't.
You're welcome.
Halloween came, Halloween went. Besides the buffet full of leftover candy at my parents' house that I'm about to literally dive into (no one I know had any trick-or-treaters; how sad a statement is that on parents, children, and Halloween, I ask you?), it didn't make much difference one way or another that Halloween was here at all. I think I'm over it. It's one of those celebratory days that somehow eats its way into your consciousness, and makes you think you HAVE to "go out." It's a huge build-up for an evening that can never really live up to how you saw it in your head beforehand (see also: New Year's Eve and St. Patrick's Day).
Watching an 80's video countdown at Chez McCarley was way, way more fun than being out.
Ignore me - I've become such a humbug about a lot of things lately (smoky bars, chain restaurants, the behavior of small children, video rental stores, malls, major holidays, the state of modern music, and the list goes on...). I'm not even 30 yet, and I have a sneaking suspicion that my disposition has veered dangerously toward "ornery" in the past couple of years. I cannot be turning into my mother. Not this soon, at least.
Merry Christmas, everyone!


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