A Brief Update
This 3-day weekend is feeling pretty great after a crazy work week. Not bad - just crazy. My back pain seems to be completely gone, but I don't quite believe it yet. It's been happening off and on since February, so it's hard for me to trust.
I am slowly, slowly, slowly discovering that cable t.v. isn't always from Satan. I'm finding a few shows that don't involve spoiled, shallow, uneducated 24-year-olds talking about sex, or having it. Mythbusters (a show that I'm apparently the last person I know to find) is so awesomely nerdy - I love it. As I'm sure you know, it's stunt people performing science experiments for a whole hour on t.v.!!! People will watch science shows when promised explosions and "truths" revealed, I guess. I'm also succumbing to the allure of H&G TV and What Not to Wear. I could write entire books on What Not to Wear. But I won't. I love it, though. Much like Sex and the City a few years ago, I had a preconceived notion that What Not to Wear was going to be mean-spirited, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was wrong. About them both. And while I'm pretty sure that WNtW will not be the cultural phenomenon that SatC was (seriously, everything goes back to a SatC episode), it's just... diverting.
And speaking of great t.v., I'll leave you with one of my all-time favorite scenes from any show:
I am slowly, slowly, slowly discovering that cable t.v. isn't always from Satan. I'm finding a few shows that don't involve spoiled, shallow, uneducated 24-year-olds talking about sex, or having it. Mythbusters (a show that I'm apparently the last person I know to find) is so awesomely nerdy - I love it. As I'm sure you know, it's stunt people performing science experiments for a whole hour on t.v.!!! People will watch science shows when promised explosions and "truths" revealed, I guess. I'm also succumbing to the allure of H&G TV and What Not to Wear. I could write entire books on What Not to Wear. But I won't. I love it, though. Much like Sex and the City a few years ago, I had a preconceived notion that What Not to Wear was going to be mean-spirited, and I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was wrong. About them both. And while I'm pretty sure that WNtW will not be the cultural phenomenon that SatC was (seriously, everything goes back to a SatC episode), it's just... diverting.
And speaking of great t.v., I'll leave you with one of my all-time favorite scenes from any show:
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