Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Ten Commandments Lunatic Will Most Likely Go To Hell

Yard Dogs Road Show was spectacular...again. It was a circus, it was a freak show, it was a Tom Waits-meets-Bob Fosse extravaganza, it was burlesque...it was anything you want it to be. I love the fact that, in 2006, there are still people who travel around together singing, dancing, and drinking hard. The trombone and accordion players blew me away - those are really hard instruments to play. I believe it's a group based out of San Francisco. Good God, I'd love to sit in on those auditions.
I'm about to head over to do my civic duty and vote. It's hard when you're choosing between shit and shinola, but it's worth the effort just to vote Roy Moore off the ticket. The Ten Commandments Lunatic (my own affectionate name for him) doesn't need to go anywhere near a ballot, so I'm going to try to make sure he doesn't. While I was happily dozing between my 400 threadcount Egyptian Cotton sheets on Sunday morning, thousands of Alabamians were being told by fundamentalist preachers all over to vote in Roy Moore, and vote out gay marriage.
If I were against gay marriage, I just wouldn't marry a gay person.
But whatever. I'm tempted to shirk my civic duty, because it seems as though giving a crap always backfires on me. It has in the last 2 presidential elections.
Ben has recently directed my attention to Loretta Nall, a candidate for Alabama Governor who supports giving gays guns rather than pass hate crime legislation. In her words exactly, "Armed gays are not bashed gays."
I never thought I'd be a proponent of gay rights, being female, straight, and Southern, but I hate seeing tax-paying Americans being stripped of their rights. Also, being a card-carrying fag hag since the age of 8 (I thought it was perfectly normal to sit around your bedroom with your guy friends singing along to the original broadway recording of Annie and experimenting with blush), these are, in a way, my "people."


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