Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Boogie Nights

Since moving into my apartment, I haven't really ventured out to hear live music, so going to the DiscOasis show Friday night was kind of a big deal. It was a lot of fun, though - they do the sweetest covers of "Boogie Nights" - my all-time favorite disco song - and "More More More" that I've ever heard.
Fun crowd, too. Fun people tend to like disco, or at least tolerate it for a night b/c it's not blues or a cheezy jam band.
I don't really remember making my way up my stairs and into bed at 4am (not to mention taking out my contacts and getting undressed), but I guess I must have... good times.
Other than that, I had a fun, lazy, uneventful holiday weekend. Writing about it would bore anyone who wasn't involved, so I won't. Even the novel I'm reading right now, while riveting to me, is a piece of crime fiction that no one else would be interested in.
My bosses, assistant, and several co-workers are out of town this week, so I'm kind of twiddling my thumbs, trying to stay busy (hence this entry). More later.


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